Keep your eyes open and report any non-acceptable behavior and attire. Any company that encourages, supports and designs a workplace culture of snitching will not work. A company I work with, now monitors its vehicles with GPS devices (vehicle behavior is watched) and there is even talk of installing cameras so they can watch everything you do in the vehicle on demand. It is obviously clear all this technology is not enough for this company. They are now paying people within the company to snitch on their peers. They are calling them "Team Captains", but make no bones about it ... they are snitches. They are ready and willing (for a little money of course) to rat their fellow employees out if they do not adhere to an artificially imposed company standard. They use the term, "Team" in discussing this structure ... but in reality this has nothing to do with teamwork and everything to do with control, power and suppression. Trust is extremely important with...
Edgy Commentary/Opinion on Current Affairs ... along with a few observations regarding life & technology in general.