I don’t think it’s a secret a good number of Americans have pushed for the legalization of marijuana for quite some time. During my college (state university) days, one could sit in the student union working on homework and detecting the smell of pot wafting through the student union. That was many many days ago. Yet in spite of what appeared to be at the time a desire by the American people to use pot, there continued to be draconian laws penalizing anyone caught smoking or possessing marijuana. Many lives have been ruined by the enforcement of these laws. States are now legalizing (mostly via referendum) the usage of pot. Some of the laws only allow for some sort of medical use and others are making recreational use legal. States are moving in this direction, even though the federal government continues to be against any law liberalizing pot usage. I have often thought how could a government of the people on the federal level get it so wrong. The government and ...
Edgy Commentary/Opinion on Current Affairs ... along with a few observations regarding life & technology in general.