Several months ago, when we were all talking about people from a list of banned countries who would not be able to travel to the United States, I had a conversation with a friend from one of those countries .... He told me that "only the little people in these countries (like you and I) would be harmed. It's the governments of these countries that are bad ... NOT the common everyday citizen." He is right, of course. How many of you out there have any say so over what the United States' government says and does?? Unless you are an important elected official, the answer to that question is probably none. All of us simply live from day to day facing the same struggles and must cope with the higher ups. We (humanity) are all cut from the same piece of cloth. Not many (if any) differences separate us from one another. Perhaps we might not want to judge and criticize one another so harshly. I came across this quote and wanted to share it with you ..... We rea...
Edgy Commentary/Opinion on Current Affairs ... along with a few observations regarding life & technology in general.