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No One Cares

Our government is broke .... the political parties that control government cannot agree on anything regarding immigrants in this country, illegally.

The current President's position is as follows:

  • Wants funding for a wall on the southern border of the U.S.
  • Wants to end the visa lottery program.
  • Wants to curb visas issued to families of legal immigrants.
  • The President really doesn't want to extend Dreamers and may have the power to suspend it on MAR 5 2018. (The President's possible ace in the hole)
All of which (as they say) is to address security/terrorism concerns on behalf of the United States.

The opposing party wants an extension (or permanent implementation) of the program entitled "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA - Dreamers)". Plus they too are concerned about security. Nevertheless, they do NOT want to give in on the points above.

The President will give the opposing party what they want if the President gets what he wants.

As you know, by now ... neither side is willing to give in.

Guess who is in the  middle??? Men, women and children make up the in-between.

The political war raging is being fought on the backs of ....

Real, flesh and blood people.

As far as I am concerned, both parties are frauds.


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