Human trafficking is characterized by the use of force, fraud or coercion to lure their victims into some type of labor or commercial sex act. Not all of these above factors may be present in every situation. Human trafficking is a crime which is seldom reported due to language barriers, fear of traffickers and possibly fear of law enforcement itself. Craigslist, to their credit ... removed the "Personals" section within their online service in March of 2018 due to Federal legislative decree stiffening penalties associated with sex trafficking. It was the right move legally, ethically and morally. Sex trafficking is a subset of the larger issue known as "Human Trafficking." It is not an unreasonable stretch of logic to equate sex trafficking with the trafficking of labor, e.g. illegals being brought into the U.S. for the purpose of working in American businesses. A good number of American businesses are INDEED guilty of said labor trafficking. No place is ...
Edgy Commentary/Opinion on Current Affairs ... along with a few observations regarding life & technology in general.