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Another American Dream is Dead

From my earliest memories, I was told that someday, even I too could become “President of the United States.”

America, as they said to light a spark within me, is a land of opportunity and if I wanted to be President, then it was entirely possible to make it happen.

So I was told.

But what I see today is only the privileged can make it happen. If a person is not approved by the leadership elite, then the hope of being President is no more than that, only a hope.

After watching, listening and considering all that has been reported to us by whoever the media is, it has been determined by somebody that our current President should not be in the office, PERIOD.

It really doesn’t matter if we voted him in or not. It really doesn’t matter if he did anything illegal. It really doesn’t matter what the nature of his personality is or not.

It has been decided by someone (not the voters), he should not be in office.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives has gone so far as to say, her goal is to put the President in prison once he is out of office. How noble.

We now are witnessing a new level of risk for anyone who is not approved or for anyone working with someone who is not approved,.

The best I can figure from all we have witnessed is the power elite just don’t want him in office and they will lie, cheat and steal to make it happen.

and looking at how an outsider fares in the Whitehouse, I can now firmly admit and confirm ….

I can NEVER EVER be the President of the United States and will not run in 2020.

Sorry … I know that’s not what you wanted to hear.


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