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Monsanto (St. Louis, MO) is being Gobbled Up by Bayer (Germany)

Monsanto, the company made famous by its development of DDT and Agent Orange is now going to get bigger and more invasive with a Bayer buyout. The US and the EU have given their blessings, consequently the two companies will end up in wedded bliss on June 7, 2018. At which time, the Monsanto brand will vanish.

Both of these companies are global giants in the agricultural business.  Monsanto (as well as Bayer) use and develop genetically modified organisms (GMO) in order to enhance the production of our raw food supplies.

Monsanto, specifically ...  is responsible for developing genetically modified soybeans which are resistant to a well known herbicide called "Roundup" (developed by Monsanto). Thus, production farmers can use the herbicide on their soybean crops (a huge US crop) increasing yields without damaging the soybean.

The kicker is that these genetically modified seeds are now patented products, owned by Monsanto who aggressively protects its patent restricting the seeds' use from year to year. Monsanto now almost totally controls the soybean seed market in this country. Conventional soybean seeds for all practical purposes are no longer. The day of public seeds has passed.

As a side note, the issues involving genetically modified organisms are complex and as to whether they cause us personal bodily harm is subject to much debate. It is an issue worth discussing at a later date. Seriously ... not to be ignored.

THAT which is not up for debate is the current discussions involving matters important to our national security. Our president has implemented increased tariffs on steel and aluminum claiming national security issues, if our own industries are devoured by cheap imports. Thus, making us more dependent upon outside sources and from his perspective less secure.

Then I ask .... WHY would HIS justice department bless the purchase of Monsanto Corporation (a company very important to our agribusiness) to a foreign entity? Especially, a foreign corporation with a rather dubious history on the world scene.

If national security is IMPORTANT, and IT IS .... Is it too much to ask for some consistency in this regard, Mr. President?


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