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It’s About Time

If one were to look @ my Facebook status posts over time ALL one would see are a series of quotes from various sources that somehow spoke to me concerning matters that where/are of interest to me.

None were posted to convey messages to anyone other than that they served to inspire me in areas I felt weak or deficit in.

I’ve been thinking that I should start expressing my own inner thoughts & perceptions regarding things that inspire me to more than a casual passing on a day to day basis & see where it all ends up.

Please feel free to contribute if something strikes your fancy.

My thoughts TODAY have been centered on a post this morning that talked about a person’s perceptions of life at different points … will repeat that quote here "A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life." - Muhammad Ali.

I really don’t believe that each of us are too terribly different from each other as it relates to the nature of the experiences we have had. SURE, the specifics are as many as the stars @ night, but the overall themes I think are pretty much the same.

I know this by opening up & talking (REALLY COMMUNICATING) with the people I encounter no matter where I may be.

These encounters have given me the presence of mind to be a little more understanding of the actions of others. Knowing that my own perceptions @ 55 are A LOT different than they were @ 20.

E.g. if anyone tells me a lie, I am not so quick to condemn for that lie as I might have been years ago. Motivations for lies may not be what they appear to be at first blush. Won’t debate the morality of lying & the interpersonal problems they cause, but am just trying to point out that the magical 30 years have taught me to be more thoughtful in my response to said lies. You KNOW WHY, because I have told lies also (I know, SHOCKING) & not ALL lies are the same or carry the same negative baggage.

I could give many examples of how 30 years has changed me, but the point of ALL of THIS is that ….

I AM DIFFERENT (not saying I like it or that I’m improved), Just saying I AM DIFFERENT.

Should the Good Lord bless me/US with temporal life for another 30 years … JUST IMAGINE WHAT I/WE WILL SEE???

Don 092737


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