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We REALLY Ought to Talk With Each Other

more than we do.

It is hoped that we at least have heart to heart conversations with those close @ hand, but even then all kinds of emotional feelings stand in the way of truly communicating … thus very little progress is made in understanding the struggles & needs of another.

Coincidentally, I was made aware of the plight of a family in our community. I have been so caught up in my own struggles that I hadn’t even bothered to give thought to others that may be going through similar stresses. As of late, ALL I have been able to focus on has been my problems, my concerns & my needs.

SO, WE should TALK more (with everyone) ... & perhaps WE should LISTEN & Truly Care, but WHAT THEN???

Actually, I don’t really know “WHAT THEN?”

I will say this. As result of the above knowledge, I don’t feel so alone … I don’t feel so desperate & above all else I am not quite as focused on me me me.

Who knows how this will effect my actions tomorrow, BUT … I’m sensing that I have grown a little bit, have extended my thoughts outside myself & whatever the outcome I am most certain that it’s not all about …



  1. Well said. It's a small world, global economy, socially "net"working culture, yet there seems to be so much less communicating, and we don't know our neighbors. Real listening, (and I am an offender, but have it to do for homework, literally) validating, caring, stepping up in the personal responsibility for the good of community - seems to have taken a flying leap lately, and it's scares the hell out of me. Not much else does really, but the face to face, "take a covered dish over to the neighbor" thing is practically nonexistent in our culture anymore. Way to go!!! Good job looking out, and growing : ) I don't know about you, but there's something about that maturity thing, that eludes me still...and means something entirely different than it used to. It IS freeing taking a step outside oneself, and with any luck as I practice your good example, it will become habit forming. I think many of us have some more of that to do than we might care to admit. Kudos.

  2. It's a PROCESS (remember the concept from "Analyse This" with Billy Crystal & Robert De Niro). My church, although preaching salvation by grace, places a lot of emphasis upon acting like a Christian (good works) & obviously that belief pattern maintains that good works, due to sin are difficult to achieve, but by striving towards perfection (good works) it at least helps make everything a little better. I think the same holds true with the above ... having that focus & trying to do the right thing by caring for each other .. looking beyond ourselves moves us (maybe ever so slightly, but nevertheless)in the right direction.


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