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Showing posts from January, 2018

#MeToo Pushback?

Sexual assault and harassment,  especially in the workplace has fortunately gained a higher degree of visibility by the media and others. A good number of the victims have simply kept quiet regarding this hideous behavior by those in powerful and highly visible positions. We have all seen the headlines and the associated consequences faced by those guilty. We, as a society should be thankful to those who were not afraid to overcome the barrier of secrecy. One motivating factor for this secrecy all these years regarding the crimes in question is that it could have a detrimental impact upon a person's career and livelihood by vocalizing such accusations. Especially, if the  person perpetrating the crime was still in power and could directly retaliate against the accuser. Certainly this would be true if you still worked in the same industry or for the same company. My hope as I have watched all this come to light was that the perpetrators of these crimes would be punished a...

WE Have to Learn How to Compromise

EVERYONE's feeling pretty intense about their preferences regarding governmental policy and law these days. One of the hot button issues right now, is immigration (of course, there are others). Based upon that which I hear and read, NO ONE is leaving much room for compromise. We are experiencing gridlock within the legislative process and are having a hard time moving ahead. For example, some folks want a wall on the southern border, others do not ... Some want "Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA)" to be extended, others do not. Certainly there is within these two matters room for compromise. If the mighty Oak Tree did not bend just a little, it would simply break, collapse and then die. The only way a diverse system such as ours works is if we all agree to compromise, somewhat ... ya know? ... NO ONE gets everything they want, but everyone gets a little of what they want. It is the only way it is going to work. Extremism will not work. It will only...

BIG Government (the REAL America)

Lots of time is spent debating and arguing over what the United States ought to be. Political campaigns provide us with hours and hours of entertainment as they go at each other, being fueled by these debates and arguments. The debate/argument as to whether the Federal Government is too big or not big enough, I will just leave that issue alone. Nevertheless, I would like for you to consider the role that BIG government plays in my life: Health insurance (which I  need) is too expensive thus requiring the federal government to be involved. The safety of my medications is watched over by the federal government. My current career is heavily regulated by federal guidelines and without them all kinds of mayhem would ensue. I interact daily with those (with gender issues) who need protection by the federal government. Not a day goes by that I don't encounter the marijuana issue (federal, state and local). Racial discrimination laws as put forth by the federal government help ma...

Behavioral Modification

I have spent the last week or so being around young school age children in our local school district. Ages ranging from Prep-K up to early high school. I have to admit it's fascinating to watch how the system works in order to make these young people comply with acceptable behavior. For example ...  be quiet when they want to talk, sit still when they want to dance, study when they want to play, stand in line when they wish to wander and the biggie to say that which is acceptable to say as opposed to speaking honestly about what's in their hearts and minds. As somewhat of an outsider, I watched the enforcers take action against those who failed to comply. Amazingly enough, the students did exactly what they were told to do. BUT ...... As soon as the enforcer was gone, they became who they are ... KIDS!!! You got to love them!!!


"Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in  1619 , to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco ." (Black by Popular Demand, RC Elis, section 5) In current times ..... "Both the run-up to the peak and the drop-off in immigration coincide with a variety of conditions known to influence such flows, most notably the performance of the U.S. economy. Immigration grew sharply during the rapid economic and job expansion of the 1990s and then declined as the economy went into a downturn after 2001." (from the Pew Research Center Hispanic Trends, in an article entitled "Rise, Peak and Decline: Trends in U.S. Immigration 1992 - 2004, by Jeffrey S Passel and Roberto Suro) Companies needed the extra workers.  They were invited, forced and enticed to come. The rapid expansion of the housing market could not have occurred, if we as a country had not made it possible for Lat...


A trait that is incredibly significant. When someone hurts a member of your family, loyalty would dictate that (after taking care of the offense), you will never EVER have anything more to do with them ... out of loyalty. Corporate America exists today, because the US set forth an environment that has made it possible for your corporation to exist in peace and stability. Plus, we the American consumer have purchased your product making you wealthy beyond compare. Corporations owe the US for all of this. It's LOYALTY. Loyalty in my book of values, means these corporations should be reflecting firm and constant support for our country. It means you don't undercut the American worker, it means you don't aide and abet the enemy, it means you do not ruin our environment and it means you pay your fair share of taxes (out of your profits, not collect it from the little person). In the light of all of the above, it hardly seems to much to ask of you stockholders (Corpor...

Those WHO OWN Corporate Stock

Anything I have to say about corporate behavior really should bypass management and go directly to those who own the corporations. I've heard it time and time again. When management of these corporations get called under the carpet for irresponsible profit oriented behavior, they simply fall back upon the excuse "that it is what the owners want and it's not managements' fault." They are simply doing the bidding of stockholders. I don't buy that excuse, entirely. I suppose it really relates to what kind of questions they are being asked. OK,  stockholders ... it is about time you get your stuff together and start taking responsibility for your actions. Maybe you don't know what the company you own is doing. Maybe you do not even know that you have ownership in particular corporation. Those 401(k)'s you've been forced to set aside funds in, DO invest in corporate stock, get the picture??? Don't you think it is about time you figured ...

I'm On Medicaid and you want ME to do What??? Are You Kidding???

Class warfare is brewing regarding the Medicaid program. Our current President has now given the states the power to force recipients to work for this health benefit. In case you do not know this, Medicaid is the largest funding source for medical and health related services on behalf of low-income citizens in the United States. It is a jointly managed and funded "means-tested" program involving the federal government and states. As a lower middle-class worker , you are acutely aware of just how EXPENSIVE health care related insurance has become. Not only is it exorbitantly expensive for the individual employee of any company .... it is insultingly out of reach for an employee's family. It doesn't take a giant leap in logic to understand why it is a program we NEED as a country to help the low income sector. I think we still believe as a county that it is in our nation's best interests to care for those who need help with health services. Don't we???...

Thrift Stores

In a world where so many things are nonsensical, it's wonderful to experience the thrill of going to the thrift store. One can get just about anything needed at low, low (I mean LOW) bargain basement prices!!!!! A thrift store makes PERFECT SENSE. Being a rebel at heart and getting an opportunity to stick it to the man (the man, being large corporate stores) really sits well with me LOL. I mean, think about it .... these corporate entities do not want to pay us what we are really worth and on top of all that, they are pushing pay downwards. WOW, suggesting that minimum wage be raised is like the song suggests ... "spitting in the wind". Well, here YOU go ... worker replacement with robots corporate folks. We the people and our little wad of cash, go a thrift store shopping and beat the system!!! Nothing is more easily procured than clothing at the many thrift stores around. My wife (a shrewd shopper) can find all the major labels folks who like clothes desire...

Slow News Day

Years ago, I recall my father watching the local evening news and making the following comment: "Must be a Slow News Day". He would then lose interest in what was being presented as news, then simply wait for the weather forecast which came around 20 minutes after the newscast began. Those non news "news" items per the broadcast most often centered around something like this. "How to properly groom your pet" etc. *smile* Now we have the President of the United States allegedly uttering a "vulgar slur" (a number of news outlets were much more explicit) regarding certain countries and their immigrants. Almost every single news feed, local or otherwise featured a story regarding the slur. Not just a mention, but prominently displayed for immediate reading. I might add, very little was mentioned about the effort on the part of the President (and the Democrats) in this meeting to work on a bipartisan immigration agreement, BUT ... the media si...


It's time to officially (on all levels) legalize marijuana. One of the reasons, it's time is that quite a few States NOW have it legalized in one form or another. Thus making it apparent that the people of the United States are ready for this to take place. An example of how marijuana legalization is sweeping the country, just take a look at recent actions taken by Kansas City, MO (my home town). An ordinance was passed that drastically reduces the fine for possession of a low amount of marijuana. The fine was reduced from $500 to $25, plus there is a relaxation of enforcement to this effect. Kansas City is pretty conservative and part of the Bible Belt thus making an action like this pretty significant. An odd conflict is brewing between the Feds and the States.  It is getting more serious with each passing day. Up to this point, the Feds are still saying it's illegal while the States are rushing to liberalize marijuana policy. It's a train wreck soon to occur. W...

the Presidency

I get it. You do not care for the President of the United States. The beauty of the American experience is that THIS OPINION is OK. You have every right to express your thoughts in this regard and of course work for another outcome the next time around. Thankfully,  we are living in a country that guarantees the freedom of expression. Most of the time we do not have to be fearful of expressing our thoughts about any election outcome.  However defective (or not) the American Presidential election system is, it is the same system that has been used for quit a few years now. The system produced our current results. We, the American people voted in a new President. It does not take a rocket scientist to surmise that the current President is extremely hated by a good number of very vocal folks. I do not want to debate just how powerful the office of the President truly is. But however powerful that office is, it is fairly clear that there is a concerted effort to block the Pr...

Korea (Part 3 of 3 Concluding Opinion)

The United States has been a predictable, fervent and committed supporter of South Korea since the conclusion of World War II. The US's foreign policy has been to prevent the freely elected government of South Korea from being destroyed by North Korea and to protect the South Korean people from the dictatorial leadership style of the North. The South Koreans up to this point, have wanted us there. Nevertheless, they do not want any conflict that will destroy their way of life and land (a.k.a. Nuclear War). They cringe whenever there is talk of such an occurrence. Because of a close relationship with South Korea, the US has been able to maintain a rather significant military presence in that part of the world. Not only has a strong military presence thwarted efforts by the North Koreans to destabilize the relationship between the two, but it has also allowed the US to be visible in that region protecting our national interests. Once again, the Koreans DO want their country uni...

Korea (Part 2 of 3)

Why are we so deeply involved in Korea? This was my original question. Considering the talk of nuclear war, I think we ought to know why we are even there. Moving forth from my last blog entry, the Russians (referred to as the Soviet Union during the WWII era) realizing Japan was to lose, rushed right in and occupied the northern portion of Korea while the U.S. established control over the southern portion. I will give you one guess as to who provided the North Koreans the knowledge necessary to develop their nuclear capability. This unofficial division of Korea (North and South) took place after the surrender of Japan. As we had previously mentioned, Japan occupied Korea up until the war and lost control over it in conjunction with suing for peace with the Allies. Japan leaving Korea left a huge vacuum of power within Korea which the Allies (under Roosevelt, Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek and Stalin) attempted to resolve unsuccessfully. A trusteeship was established to look...


With all the intense talk emanating from the mainstream media about North Korea and the pathway to war, I began to ask myself why is the United States so deep in it all?? My initial thoughts were and may still be the same ... "Why not just get out of there and let the Koreans work it out on their own?" Of course, things are not always as simple as they may seem at first blush. Therefore, I have spent a little time looking deeper into the situation at hand. Armed with a little more knowledge about it all, I thought I would share a it with you. It's important for us to understand the geographical issues at play here .... You can see from the "Google Maps" clipping above; China (West), Russia (Northeast) and Japan (East) are all a part of the picture and issues. I liken it to the United States' interest in what occurs in the countries that border us. Korea's history involves all of the above countries (and others) thus explaining why each one i...

Human Life

Homicide in Kansas City, KS at 10th and Ivandale. Eighteen year old boy killed a Seventeen year old boy in Independence, MO. (Multiply the above many many many times across the country) The drum beats of war are sounding out of Washington, D.C and North Korea. China is preparing its troops for Winter war. Refugees are streaming out of the countries that are saturated with local violence. These are just the headlines I looked at this morning. I have just one question ... "Do WE even CARE about Human Life any more???"

Nuclear Conflict

I DO NOT want a nuclear conflict to develop between the North Koreans & the United States. In fact, NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES ... a nuclear conflict should be avoided at all costs. It's pretty much unsettling to listen to the leaders of these two countries casually talk about pushing buttons. Of course, it is much more complicated than pushing buttons. Nevertheless, joking about it is somewhat of an insult and most distasteful, plus incredibly disrespectful to those of us who will have to pay the ultimate costs. The most likely victims of such a conflict will be innocent folks who really have nothing to say about it. As in all conflicts, the ones who die are the little people. Chances are high, that some sort of survival strategies are in place for the elite leaders of our countries. These leaders decide how many people will die for whatever they think is important. AND, if the loss of human life is not despicable enough ... consider the long term negative impact upon  th...


A lot is going on in our lives. I mean, like bills to pay and all kinds of activities capture our attention ... day after day. Our careers are important. Right??? We actually spend more time thinking, worrying and stressed out about our jobs than we do anything else. Why??? ... because the career and job supports all the bills and of course all the cool things we do. On any given day, more time is spent at and on work than anywhere else, Nevertheless and in spite of everything, NOTHING is more important than the children who are a part of our lives each day. Our children and grandchildren depend upon us for things that are important. Sometimes, it's financial. Many times it is for love, companionship and validation of their existence. This validation confirms they are important and you actually want them in your life. An ongoing exchange of love and time spent together is huge. The unfortunate thing is that if we ignore their needs, then the detrimental impact upon their li...