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Korea (Part 3 of 3 Concluding Opinion)

The United States has been a predictable, fervent and committed supporter of South Korea since the conclusion of World War II. The US's foreign policy has been to prevent the freely elected government of South Korea from being destroyed by North Korea and to protect the South Korean people from the dictatorial leadership style of the North.

The South Koreans up to this point, have wanted us there. Nevertheless, they do not want any conflict that will destroy their way of life and land (a.k.a. Nuclear War). They cringe whenever there is talk of such an occurrence.

Because of a close relationship with South Korea, the US has been able to maintain a rather significant military presence in that part of the world. Not only has a strong military presence thwarted efforts by the North Koreans to destabilize the relationship between the two, but it has also allowed the US to be visible in that region protecting our national interests.

Once again, the Koreans DO want their country united and independent. As of late, there has been a thawing of relations for the upcoming Olympics. Families who have been separated from each other are anticipating spending time together. The emotional and psychological toll on the people of Korea can not even be imagined ... it is so hideous.

The US cannot walk away from the Koreans and remove our protection. We are honor bound. It would simply NOT BE RIGHT to do so.

Yet, we CANNOT ALLOW A NUCLEAR CONFLICT to take  place. Based upon the outcome of such a catastrophe, there really is no debate.

So WHAT do we do?

An announcement to the world, IMMEDIATELY that we will ....

Gift to the Korean people the ability to transition to an independent and autonomous country. This goal is very like what was hoped for at the conclusion of WWII. We should use every power we have to make this happen. The end result most likely will not be a style of government that we would necessarily approve of, nevertheless it would a government of their choosing.

Our military presence there really should start to be phased out.

This effort will not be easy, but I think the Koreans need and deserve it after having treated our country well, with respect and trusting our commitment.

Let's use our power to "Make Love and  Not War". The nuclear build up by North Korea has served its intention by getting our attention. They have it now and we must accept this simple reality.

The US needs to move out and on. NOT next week, but this transition should be the goal, sooner rather than later. We will NOT abandon them. We can guide and protect them down this long and winding road.

Hand in hand.


  1. Thanks for sharing. This series of entries have been very informative. I feel like I learned something.


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