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With all the intense talk emanating from the mainstream media about North Korea and the pathway to war, I began to ask myself why is the United States so deep in it all?? My initial thoughts were and may still be the same ... "Why not just get out of there and let the Koreans work it out on their own?"

Of course, things are not always as simple as they may seem at first blush.

Therefore, I have spent a little time looking deeper into the situation at hand. Armed with a little more knowledge about it all, I thought I would share a it with you.

It's important for us to understand the geographical issues at play here ....

You can see from the "Google Maps" clipping above; China (West), Russia (Northeast) and Japan (East) are all a part of the picture and issues. I liken it to the United States' interest in what occurs in the countries that border us.

Korea's history involves all of the above countries (and others) thus explaining why each one is important as it relates to the development of U.S. foreign policy. Some of the problems that are faced today date back to the period of "Colonialism" whereby more powerful countries were gobbling up territories in their respective arena's of influence.

Korea has borders with both China and Russia, thus ANYTHING that happens in Korea is something the Chinese and Russians take note of. China has been a major player in support for Korea and it was only when Chinese power weakened that outside interests began to get involved. These outside powers were interested in Korea not only for Korea itself, but in China (the bigger prize). Japan (by the way, Japan, China and Russia pretty much have never gotten along ... thus many conflicts ensued) annexed Korea and controlled it rather harshly up until the end of "WWII". With Japan defeated, the Allied Powers took control of Japanese interests, thus a  politically divided Korea ensured. North and South Korea's were born.

Dating back even further in time than the above brief history, the Koreans have always wanted to be independent. I understand that desire. Even though they could not resolve internal differences, most Koreans cry out for this independence and for all the foreign powers to just get out.

With this in mind, I totally understand the nature of the North Korean's Leader cry for total autonomy. From his perspective, the only way to do it, is what is happening now.

There is more to this story via my next blog entry.


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