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"Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco." (Black by Popular Demand, RC Elis, section 5)

In current times .....

"Both the run-up to the peak and the drop-off in immigration coincide with a variety of conditions known to influence such flows, most notably the performance of the U.S. economy. Immigration grew sharply during the rapid economic and job expansion of the 1990s and then declined as the economy went into a downturn after 2001." (from the Pew Research Center Hispanic Trends, in an article entitled "Rise, Peak and Decline: Trends in U.S. Immigration 1992 - 2004, by Jeffrey S Passel and Roberto Suro)

Companies needed the extra workers. They were invited, forced and enticed to come. The rapid expansion of the housing market could not have occurred, if we as a country had not made it possible for Latino workers to come and build those homes.

The Latinos who chose to stay in this country because they married our sons and daughters and are parenting our grandchildren are treated in many ways like slaves. They are underpaid, overcharged and threatened day after day with deportation.

Contrary to our current President, they are NOT ALL criminals or a drag on our society.

Look at the long term problems that have developed with the first infusion of (now) African Americans & one can pretty much guess the same will hold true with our (future) Latino Americans.

Have we not learned from history? Have we forgot everything about ethics, morality and decency. Are we not willing to share the gift that WE TOO were given?

I personally was appalled at the rhetoric of the President regarding our most recent governmental shutdown. The talk as it related to immigrants was repulsive.

You can not treat or speak of humankind (regardless of where they come from) that way. NO MATTER WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE.

It's simply unacceptable.


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