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Those WHO OWN Corporate Stock

Anything I have to say about corporate behavior really should bypass management and go directly to those who own the corporations.

I've heard it time and time again. When management of these corporations get called under the carpet for irresponsible profit oriented behavior, they simply fall back upon the excuse "that it is what the owners want and it's not managements' fault." They are simply doing the bidding of stockholders.

I don't buy that excuse, entirely. I suppose it really relates to what kind of questions they are being asked.

OK,  stockholders ... it is about time you get your stuff together and start taking responsibility for your actions. Maybe you don't know what the company you own is doing. Maybe you do not even know that you have ownership in particular corporation. Those 401(k)'s you've been forced to set aside funds in, DO invest in corporate stock, get the picture???

Don't you think it is about time you figured it out?

I dare say that YOU (corporate stockholder) cannot be blameless for what your company does (I am speaking ethically, here). Have you wondered where all the good American jobs have gone??? Have you wondered why the amount you get paid keeps going down??? Have you wondered why companies such as Apple, Google etc keep their profits overseas? Have you wondered why your company is sitting on a lot of cash (I mean A LOT of cash) ???

Your companies do not live all alone on an island. YOU are responsible to the folks who buy your product and should be grateful (and show it) for the stable political military environment (of the United States) that makes your existence possible.

The reasons your company keeps getting bigger, along with more profits is that they are able to victimize folks that work for them with lower wages and of course charging more for what they sell. Charging more for what they sell is getting easier because your company is gobbling up other companies thus eliminating the competition and any downward pressure on their prices. Anyone heard of a monopoly (and not the board game either) ???

When oil prices were spiraling down a while back, I overheard a sweet grandmother complaining about it because it would have a detrimental impact upon her stocks. Imagine that??? No concern on her part whatsoever as to how we were being strangled to death by high energy prices (aka obscene profits).

OK, then ....

You, the American stockholder is to blame and I am going to hold you personally responsible for the absolute mess our country is in because of irresponsible unchecked corporate actions.

We, the common folk are going to hunt you down and hold YOU accountable. UNLESS, of course you just fix it "NOW."

If you fix it, WE will forgive you because you apparently just didn't know.


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