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Commercial Drivers (CDL License Holders)

Hardly a day goes by that I don't see something that says there is a BIG shortage of commercial drivers.

These are the folks that drive vehicles which most often transport goods and passengers from one point to the next. Most large truck and bus drivers are required to have a commercial drivers license (CDL).

If you happen to be perusing through the job ads, you will find listing after listing of companies seeking qualified CDL drivers. Qualified is an important point as it relates to driving. The seriousness of this is evidenced by the tragedy of lost human life and property damage.

Obtaining a CDL license is not an easy accomplishment. There are written tests involved, plus actual physical skills/driving tests required to obtain one of these licenses. Also, a medical physical exam is mandated (making certain one is healthy etc - this is a serious physical and not to be taken lightly) and of course tests associated with substance abuse.

Once the license is obtained, then the same rigorous requirements are expected to be maintained at all times during your possession of this license.

Did I say that obtaining/maintaining this license is EXPENSIVE??? NO?? I should have. The license and all of its requirements are costly, because so much is at stake.

When one earns one of these licenses, it is most likely a career choice. The holder would like to make a little money or pursue driving as a career.

Now, comes the rub.

Assuming there is a shortage of qualified CDL drivers in the marketplace, why are potential employers REFUSING to properly pay CDL drivers what they are worth and award them for the incredible effort it takes to possess one of these licenses.

In a free market economy, the theory goes something like this .... when there is a shortage of (critical) supplies then what the company pays for that supply goes up in order to attract more of that supply which would then help the company accomplish what is needed. Mind you, that would be how it is supposed to work ... but

Employers are refusing to pay more for CDL drivers and the prices are remaining stagnate across the industry. Something is keeping these wages down.

I wonder what it could be.

And the shortage continues.


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