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Tax Overhaul 2017

Democrats Attack Tax Bill as a ‘Middle-Class Con Job’

Headline from an article within the "New York Times" written by Jim Tankersley October 29, 2017

President Trump: Tax bill 'an incredible Christmas gift for hard-working Americans'

ABCNews headline by John Parkinson, Benjamin Siegel, Alexander Mallin and Mariam Khan December 20 2017

News reports such as the above go on and on, day after day. I feel a little unsettled by it all.


Within an informational environment so polarized, how do we know what makes more sense?

I suppose one could say the truth is probably somewhere in between. We rely upon the flow of information from the media to help us make more informed decisions regarding a host is matters.

I really do try to NOT be partisan in how I view national issues. The powers that be simply make it difficult to maintain that line of pursuit due to their constant power struggles.

No one on either side of the line possesses absolute truth. I do not mind calling my regional Congressional Representative and expressing thoughts on any matter pending (based upon information gleaned from the media), nevertheless ....

the deal is .... if whomever wants us to make informed decisions, then they should be providing us with accurate, fair and objective information so we can do so.

I'm just saying ...

(As a side note, I am talking about taxes at the moment ... but, this confusing informational dilemma could be pertinent to just about anything we are talking about on a national level.)


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