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Let Those Who Are Illegal & Living Here, Stay

I am of the mind that we just need to let those who have lived & worked in the United States while being illegally here, just stay.

Most likely they have become a functional part of our communities & have established roots with those of us who are citizens. They have married our sons & daughters, they have become parents to our grand kids & most likely are working a job that needs to get done.

A number of those who have come here, originally came because we (business owners & otherwise) needed them to help us with whatever needed to be done. Yes, some would say that they did work that we citizens could not or did not want to do. Some are here because we had no one who could do what they do. Business owners needed their help on many things.

A local outdoor mall here in the Kansas City metroplex was by & large built by those workers who were illegal. Once the mall was done, they fired them all.

Which takes me to the following point .... We used them for our own interests & it is simply not American or right for us to dump on them & force them to leave after having helped us. Forcing them to leave at this point after having given so much to this country is not what we should be about as a nation.

There are some bad ones & of course good ones ... pretty similar to our own citizens.

We should deal with the bad ones when we find out who they are by what they did & of course praise those who are good by what they do. It is not right to judge negatively every illegal by what a few bad ones did. Have we gone no farther than punishing the entire class at recess time because of the misdeeds of one???

It is a miscarriage of justice to say ... those that are here illegally have to leave BECAUSE they are ILLEGAL. It is immoral & unethical to punish them for simply .....

wanting to live, work, raise families & be happy here in the United States.

I'm not against a wall, but I am against putting those that are here (they are us & we are them by now) on the other side.


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