Big News as Kansas City, MO announces that they have partnered up with "Uber" to be the "Official Ride" of its very popular "KCPLDistrict". This district encompasses the the "Sprint Center" & all of it's restaurants, pavilion etc.
The local transportation company pretty much has had this district locked up with restricted access re "Sprint Center" events & special pickup zones of their own. Now, "Uber" & it's drivers have circumvented this restriction & come up with some new rules of their own to shake things up a bit (who am I kidding, they are shaking things up BIG TIME).
As a side note, this same restrictive (Closed) market rule by the local transportation company is at play at "Arrowhead Stadium" regarding all their events (Chiefs & Concerts). I would have to assume that a big shake up is coming there also. I can only hope "Uber" can break this hideous market dead lock.
The local transportation company has had a lock on the market place for many years. Whenever a locked market place exists, it breeds inefficiency, complacency, high costs & just all around poor service. I can hear the phone call now (having personally heard them), Your cab sir, will be there to pick you up in a couple of hours (in the back of my mind, I'm thinking ... ya, right LOL) & after they do pick you up the fee for said service is pretty much out of your hands.
This is the price one (the consumer) pays for a restricted (protected) market place. It's of world of poor service & uncontrollable costs. Over all quality goes down.
Now comes along "Uber", breaking all the rules (of polite transportation society), because they had to. With the dominate local transportation company & the regulatory body sleeping together, "Uber" had little choice but to be aggressive so that they could introduce a transportation concept for the people (drivers & consumers).
I have used "Uber" 10 times (funny, that I have kept count), seeking transport to & from the same exact destinations. Due to their infamous surge pricing, it has fluctuated from time to time. But not much or beyond my tolerance zone. The local boys love to tell you, but we don't take advantage of the consumer because we don't surge price, BUT what they don't tell you is that there is not a car available to take you anywhere. Surge pricing insures that a car will be available, because it makes it worth the drivers while to pick you up.
Here is how it worked for me. I opened the app, it asked me where I wanted to go, showed me the cars in the area, told me how much it cost & when I can expect a pickup. PLUS, I could watch the progress of the driver (picture of car & driver provided) as he/she approached the pickup point. Every single time it worked ever so nicely. I have been a pleased consumer.
Now for you folks who think the drivers of "Uber" are getting short changed, then you will also have to have the same concerns regarding drivers for the local transportation company. The local company has the same level of regard for their drivers. Once again restrictive market places are not good for drivers either.
Here is the deal ....
"Uber" by breaking through the restrictive barriers imposed by the City & the local transportation gods, has now made it possible for the consumer to get a better deal. Better service, better prices etc.
It's a great feeling to finally be FREE to choose the service we desire & be released from the bondage imposed upon us by a restrictive & closed market place.
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