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"The Least of These"

It always catches my attention when I witness in person or via the media how those that have power or means treat those who don't.

A person's true character is reflected in how they treat those without power, especially when those powerless creatures cannot directly affect them (the powerful).

I think most of us cringe when the weak and those dependent suffer from such treatment. We become outraged when children, animals, those of different gender, financial means and ethnicity are walked upon, abused and otherwise treated poorly. Some amongst us, when these injustices occur ... march in the streets and vehemently protest it.

I stay away (with no exception) from individuals who treat the powerless that way. One cannot let their guard down with them, because as soon as one turns their back ... the odds of some sort of despicable act on their part most likely are high. The way one treats another (particularly in this situation) is how they will treat me.

In spite of whomever this Bible verse is directed towards as it is debated by the theologians , it does pretty much represent how I feel about the powerless amongst us ...

Matthew 25:40 (KJV) reads as follows:

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

Please note ... Not only does reprehensible behavior towards the powerless reverberate across the land, SO DOES self sacrificial behavior towards the same group.

Please pick your behavior and actions wisely.


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