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Regarding this point, there is NO viable argument.

Our economy is based upon its participants being able to consume. If the CONSUMER (Goose) is not consuming (buying stuff), then the economy falls apart and collapses ... thus NO GOLDEN EGGS for investors, corporations and their owners.

If wages are too low and prices too high, then our pay is gobbled up by the basic necessities of survival. Not only do we struggle for those necessities at some point, but there is little room left for optional things (e.g. buying a new car, Detroit).

Subsequent to our most recent economic down turn, prices have continued to rise, but pay for the rank and file have gone down. There is really no way for a complete economic recovery (Gold Egg) if the the consumer (Goose) is losing ground.

From my perspective, it would seem that the privileged are thinking short term and seeking to exploit those of us on the low end. Companies are cutting labor costs and even hoarding their cash/profit windfall over seas (at least up to this point) in order to avoid paying their fair share. they do not appear to even contemplate returning some of those profits to their employees ... thinking like this will ultimately lead to nothing more than economic ruin for one and all.

I just have one warning for the haves (business owners, property owners, corporate stock owners etc.) ....

"Just Say No" to killing the GOLDEN GOOSE. If you don't care about the little people, think in the long term about your own GOLDEN EGG lined pockets.


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