We (the American People) are being confronted with a windstorm of sexual misconduct allegations. One hardly has enough time to catch your breathe before the next wave of allegations commence.
The behavior these allegations suggest is reprehensible & barely forgivable, if at all.
Being the father of daughters, it breaks my heart to think that my daughters might have to face hideous creatures out in the so called real world that will force them to make decisions like these from a position of no power & or options.
After personally facing this type (not sexual, but verbal & physical) of thing in the work place, I am particularly sensitive to the risk the accuser takes in coming out & calling it what it is ... "Wrong & Unacceptable". I am also aware of how little protection there is out there. The institutions & the people that work for them (make money BIG TIME) talk a good game, but in the end are not going make a decision to protect the powerless in the face of financial harm.
Even though, it's moving fast & the individuals being accused are not offered due process (I might note here that none of this is within a court of law where the rules of engagement are different) ....
I have to come down on the side of the accusers.
It takes real strength to come out & stand for what is right. These accusers do pay a high price for making these stands. They are viewed as possible liars, their reputations are questioned & in a place of business may indeed even be denied advancement or fired.
The "Al Franken's" of the world have everything to gain by keeping these actions hidden & there is tremendous pressure put on victims to make it so.
All of the above, is considerably more complicated than what this editorial is suggesting, nevertheless is may not be complicated at all. If it swims, looks & quacks like a duck, then .... It's likely a "????".
Powerful people taking advantage of the powerless ... hmmm, not complicated at all.
So, when someone in spite of it all, comes forward ... You Have to Listen & Take it Seriously.
The behavior these allegations suggest is reprehensible & barely forgivable, if at all.
Being the father of daughters, it breaks my heart to think that my daughters might have to face hideous creatures out in the so called real world that will force them to make decisions like these from a position of no power & or options.
After personally facing this type (not sexual, but verbal & physical) of thing in the work place, I am particularly sensitive to the risk the accuser takes in coming out & calling it what it is ... "Wrong & Unacceptable". I am also aware of how little protection there is out there. The institutions & the people that work for them (make money BIG TIME) talk a good game, but in the end are not going make a decision to protect the powerless in the face of financial harm.
Even though, it's moving fast & the individuals being accused are not offered due process (I might note here that none of this is within a court of law where the rules of engagement are different) ....
I have to come down on the side of the accusers.
It takes real strength to come out & stand for what is right. These accusers do pay a high price for making these stands. They are viewed as possible liars, their reputations are questioned & in a place of business may indeed even be denied advancement or fired.
The "Al Franken's" of the world have everything to gain by keeping these actions hidden & there is tremendous pressure put on victims to make it so.
All of the above, is considerably more complicated than what this editorial is suggesting, nevertheless is may not be complicated at all. If it swims, looks & quacks like a duck, then .... It's likely a "????".
Powerful people taking advantage of the powerless ... hmmm, not complicated at all.
So, when someone in spite of it all, comes forward ... You Have to Listen & Take it Seriously.
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